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Free Kissing Advice and
Kissing Tips and Techniques
in my Kissing 101 Newsletter!

Michelle PenneyHello!

Welcome to my Kissing 101 Newsletter Series. If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of "how to kiss" advice ever crammed into a newsletter course, then read on!

Michelle Penney
Author of Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniques

Quirky Kissing Facts

Kissing as a crime!

  • In Indiana, it is illegal for a moustached man to "habitually kiss human beings"!
  • In Harford, Connecticut, it is illegal for a husband to kill his wife on Sunday
  • In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it's a crime to kiss a stranger
  • In medieval Italy, if a man were seen embracing in public, they could be forced to marry!
  • In 16th century Naples, kissing was an offense that carried the death penalty!

Man, I'm not so sure the punishment fits the crime with that last one! Fortunately, today kissing is no longer a's just a good thing!


Kissing Story: "Why Kissing Matters" by James

This week's article is from James, author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women."

According to, "Matrimonial pollsters' studies prove that a man who kisses his wife good-bye when he leaves for work every morning averages a higher income than does the fellow who doesn't do that thing."

Now, as a guy who's in a wonderful relationship right now and headed towards marriage, I can relate to this. Kissing, as you learned in the Kissing Facts above, isn't just some innocent activity to be looked at lightly. It's emotional, passionate, filled with feelings and sensations. Whether you love the person you're kissing or not, either way, you can't kiss without feeling something.

The history of kissing goes back thousands of years, to the time of Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians. Early Christians kissed each other whenever they met. The bride and groom kiss after the marriage ceremony. Eskimos and Polynesians kiss by rubbing noses together, while the inhabitants of Southeastern India do their version of the kiss by each pressing the nose against the cheek, with the active person inhaling deeply. There's deep (or French) kissing where one person's tongue goes a'roaming in the other person's mouth - and we'll stop right there. And as a complete contrast, kissing was not very visible in the old days in Asia, because the bow was the all-purpose greeting, and people would kiss only in private - so of course, you wouldn't see it.

How did this habit come to pass? There are a few theories. One of them claims that it all began in ancient times with mothers chewing up food to pass it directly into the mouth of their baby. A second theory reckons that kissing gets you close enough to smell the mood, food and recent adventures of whomever you are kissing, so you can work out how to handle them. And a third theory says that we used to believe that your soul lived in your breath, and that kissing would marry the breaths together, and fuse your souls for all eternity.

But whatever your theory, the important thing is this: Kissing, regardless of culture, is something truly special!

Are You Making Progress in YOUR Kissing?

With that fun article by James, it's time for me to check in with you again. How's your kissing going? Have you had any opportunities to kiss someone special and try out what you've learned?

Sometimes we can feel so anxious when it comes to that first kiss. Especially if you grew up in a traditional or conservative community where more intimate forms of greeting, like a hug or a kiss on the cheek, were frowned upon, you might feel like that last few inches between your lips and your special someone's are insurmountable.

The best I can tell you is ... don't give up!

Intimacy can be scary. Looking into someone's eyes, tilting your head up (if you're a girl) or down (if you're a guy), and feeling the silence ring in your ears as your heart thuds and your mind tells you, "This is it. Now or never." ... it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!

But until you have the courage to make that first contact, there's not going to be a second kiss, or a third...

That's why I have an entire section on first kisses in my complete e-course, Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniques. I know it's hard, and I want you to succeed! I tell you everything from how to know if your partner is ready to be kissed, where you should put your arms while you're kissing, and how to know what your partner is thinking after that first kiss!

I hope that what you've been learning in the past month has helped you take a few risks and feel more comfortable with your kissing. Once you realize that kissing is not threatening at all but rather fun and the source of many treasured memories, you can take that next step by experimenting with different kissing styles and techniques.

That's another topic where my Complete Guide to Kissing has you covered. I give you a range of kissing techniques plus different body positions that you can use. If you find that kissing feels way too serious or has just become a habit, I've even got some fun kissing games for you.

All this step-by-step instruction leaves nothing to chance. You'll be asked to think about things that you may have never considered. For example, girls: what's the best option for lipcare if you don't want to smear lipstick on a guy's face? Guys, how do you backtrack and make things right if you've kissed a girl who wasn't ready to be kissed? When is it appropriate to kiss, and when isn't it? What considerations make the most exciting and memorable kisses? How are guys and girls different when it comes to how they feel about kissing?

There's so much kissing information that you'll be amazed! And it's all presented in an easy-to-read, step-by-step format.

If you've ever been stuck for ideas about how to really "wow" your partner, then I've got tips and techniques that can keep you busy kissing into the next century.

But you can only get all this information if you're a Member of Kissing 101. Membership gets you my online kissing course, Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniques (instant download!) as well as a Personal Email Consultation with me so that you can be certain that your personal kissing concern will be answered.

Plus you'll get extra bonuses that you can only learn about on my website.

If these newsletters have shown you just much fun exploring the world of kissing can be, it's time for you now to start making kissing memories for yourself. Get the REAL stuff. Get my detailed instructional guide, Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniques.

Sign up to become a Member of Kissing 101 by clicking here.

Happy kissing!

Michelle Penney
Author of Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniques
Order Kissing 101 Right Now!

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About "Kissing 101"

"Kissing 101" has been teaching men and women how to give fantastic kisses and spice up their relationship with their partner since 2004. Its fully-illustrated guide leads you step-by-step through the most basic kisses to French kisses and more! See what body language gives you the "green light" to kiss. Learn what it means when your kissing partner responds with one of these ten reactions after a kiss. Find out whether a tongue piercing really makes kissing more fun, how to hold your partner while you're kissing him or her, and the best ways to make a kiss mind-blowing and memorable.

Get more information by visiting and start improving your kissing skills today!

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